Riverside Chiropractic – Do you know what the number one food problem in the world is? It is no longer hunger!

There is an epidemic going on now. It is affecting half of all adults and one third of all children. Something rapidly changed in the 80s and the 90s. The problem is our biology has not changed though the environment has. Do you know what a food desert is? How about a food swamp? Give a listen.

Riverside Chiropractic – Got Milk? Hopefully Not!

HealthNews of the Month
Click on each headline to read the full story.

7 Best Foods You Can Eat
“If you want to increase your energy, boost your mood, lose weight, and lower your risk of chronic disease, there’s no doubt that tending to your diet should be a priority. But figuring out what to eat to be healthy may seem overwhelming.”

14 Foods You Should NEVER Eat
“We polled some of those insiders—people who know the business and work daily to evict pesticides, genetically modified organisms, animal cruelty, social injustice, and unhealthy foods from the food supply—to find out what they know about the dark side of “convenience” foods. Take note so you can avoid the worst of what grocery stores have to offer.

GMO Soy and Breast Cancer Video
“The hormonal effects of the Roundup pesticide on GMO soy put into perspective.”

Why Milk May Be Harmful
“Harvard pediatrician David Ludwig and the chairman of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard, Walter Willett, think that North Americans do not need to drink milk. Drinking milk appears to increase risk for various diseases and has not been shown to prevent bone weakening.”

Riverside Chiropractic – Even 1 a day may be making you fat!

There is so much evidence that you need to stay away from these, yet most people keep ignoring the facts. This has been featured on every major TV network, every magazine, and every newspaper yet you still see people buying these by the case. The massive advertising campaigns won’t quit and our brains are being manipulated. Give a listen.

Riverside Chiropractic – Olive Oil is NOT Health Food but Sick Food

So many are deceived into believing that olive oil and the Mediterranean Diet are health promoting. The problem is which Mediterranean diet are they talking about? What does the current research really say? This is going to turn what you believe about olive oil upside down. Give a listen! We found this originally right on YouTube youtube.com/watch?v=GfBKauKVi4M


Riverside Chiropractic – Drink Soda? Take 12,000 Steps

HealthNews of the Month
Click on each headline to read the full story.

Drink Soda? Take 12,000 Steps
“People who consume the sweetener fructose,which is most people nowadays, risk developing a variety of health problems. But the risk drops substantially if those people get up and move around, even if they do not formally exercise, two new studies found.”

Sugar for Prolonged, Hard Exercise
“If you are going to exercise at a relaxed pace for a few hours, you rarely need to eat or drink unless you feel hungry or thirsty. However, if you are going to compete in sports or exercise intensely for more than 70 minutes, you should take sugar just before you start and while you exercise.

What You REALLY Need To Know About Your Cholesterol! Video
“Dr. Ryan Bradley clears up confusion regarding cholesterol numbers and what kind of cholesterol you should be keeping track of. Find out what LDL really is and why you need to know about it.”

New Study Shows Vitamin C Does Help Fight The Common Cold
“It has been over 40 years since Linus Pauling wrote the book, Vitamin C and the Common Cold. Dr. Pauling based his opinion on several studies that showed vitamin C was very effective in reducing the severity of symptoms, as well as the duration of the common cold. Since that time, the research has been very controversial. A new study adds another strong argument that vitamin C supplementation does in fact, produce the results that Pauling promoted.”

Riverside Chiropractic – Still think that cereal is the Breakfast of Champions?

Cereals have always been considered a healthy breakfast and even today companies tout the virtues of eating cereals to get all your vitamins and lower cholesterol.  The problem is that most cereal companies flat out lie to you about what is in their products and even worse the cereals that you think are wholesome and healthy are not.  We picked this sound bite especially for you because you deserve to know.  Give a listen!
