Riverside Chiropractic – Your heart will thank you for this one!

A new study has found an association between high blood levels of vitamin C and a reduced risk of coronary artery disease and death from any cause. Watch this video to find out where then best sources comes from. It is less than a minute long. Click the Red More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.

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Riverside Chiropractic – Should you take calcium?

Calcium once touted as the cure for bone loss is still advertised and recommended yet the risks far out way the rewards. Should you be taking calcium? New evidence shows better recommendations for bone loss that you need to know about. Stop following recommendations that may not apply to you. Watch this video now. Click the Red More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.

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Frankenfish Are Here!!

GMO fruits. GMO vegetables. GMO animals? Thanks to approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), genetically modified salmon is the first genetically modified animal to win approval from the FDA. (1) The GMO salmon has been deemed safe for consumption, ending an almost 20-year struggle by the fish manufacturer, AquaBountyTechnologies, to sell the salmon in stores.

Because of a growth hormone in the GMO fish, this “Frankenfish” can grow to full market size in 18 to 20 months. Another “promotor” gene means that the fish can grow year-round, instead of seasonally.

For conventionally farmed and wild-caught salmon, it takes almost double the amount of time, or 28 to 36 months, to reach their full size. This ability to speed up salmon’s growth span will allow more of the fish to be commercially available, increasing consumption.  Watch the video below to learn more.

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Riverside Chiropractic – What you need to know about children and breakfast.

Eating breakfast has always been associated with better concentration and cognitive function, but concrete evidence to performance has always been somewhat unclear. Recent studies show a concrete link between what students eat and how well they do at school, which has significant implications for education and public health policy. If you have children of your own you don’t want to miss this. Watch this video now. Click the Red More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.

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Riverside Chiropractic Dr. Micah Ries The Dangers Of Statins Exposed

Tens of millions of people are taking Statin Drugs for their cholesterol.  Is it really decreasing the their risk of heart disease?  A new study from Japan says “statin drugs stimulate atherosclerosis and heart failure”  Watch the video below to find out more about how statins may be affecting your health or the health of someone you know and love.

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Riverside Chiropractic – Before you eat that turkey

If you think that all you have to worry about is growth hormone, antibiotics and GMOs then you want to find out what they are doing to the turkey you might be eating. Whether you celebrate Thanksgiving in November or October you need to watch this video now. Click the Red More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.

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